Health Information and Release of Liability Name* First Last Title*Which Division Are You Competing In?* Miss All American Miss Teen All American Miss Junior All American Pageant Weekend Emergency Contact - Name*(Other than your own)Pageant Weekend Emergency Contact - Phone Number*(Other than your own)Relationship to Contestant*Current Medications*Medical Conditions*Medication Allergies (e.g. Penicillin)*Mother's Name*Please list your mother's first and last name. Should you choose not to list anyone, please enter "None" in the field above. If your mother is deceased, please enter "Deceased."Mom's Cell Phone*Father's Name*Please list your father's first and last name. Should you choose not to list anyone, please enter "None" in the field above. If your father is deceased, please enter "Deceased."Father's Cell Phone*Release In consideration of participating in the MISS ALL AMERICAN Pageant and its related events and activities, I agree that: There are inherent risks of injury. I knowingly assume those risks and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, RPM Productions, Inc., the owners, Paula Miles and Ryan Miles, for all injuries sustained, except those caused by the owner’s sole negligence. Release 1* I, the contestant, have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms and sign it voluntarily. Release 2 I, the parent or legal guardian of above named contestant, have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, I fully understand its terms and sign it voluntarily. Contestant Signature*Contestant - Date Signed* MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent/Guardian SignatureOnly required if Contestant is under 18Parent/Guardian - Date Signed MM slash DD slash YYYY Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Health Information and Release of Liability Name* First Last Title*Which Division Are You Competing In?* Miss All American Miss Teen All American Miss Junior All American Pageant Weekend Emergency Contact - Name*(Other than your own)Pageant Weekend Emergency Contact - Phone Number*(Other than your own)Relationship to Contestant*Current Medications*Medical Conditions*Medication Allergies (e.g. Penicillin)*Mother's Name*Please list your mother's first and last name. Should you choose not to list anyone, please enter "None" in the field above. If your mother is deceased, please enter "Deceased."Mom's Cell Phone*Father's Name*Please list your father's first and last name. Should you choose not to list anyone, please enter "None" in the field above. If your father is deceased, please enter "Deceased."Father's Cell Phone*Release In consideration of participating in the MISS ALL AMERICAN Pageant and its related events and activities, I agree that: There are inherent risks of injury. I knowingly assume those risks and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, RPM Productions, Inc., the owners, Paula Miles and Ryan Miles, for all injuries sustained, except those caused by the owner’s sole negligence. Release 1* I, the contestant, have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms and sign it voluntarily. Release 2 I, the parent or legal guardian of above named contestant, have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, I fully understand its terms and sign it voluntarily. Contestant Signature*Contestant - Date Signed* MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent/Guardian SignatureOnly required if Contestant is under 18Parent/Guardian - Date Signed MM slash DD slash YYYY Email* Enter Email Confirm Email